普拉提3DPilates (60mins)
太普為澳洲註冊專利課程,獨特的中西合璧的核心訓練,課堂充滿動態刺激,對體力與強度追求的學員最為吸引 3D pilates is a combination of eastern and western core concepts. This class is suitable for students who live an exciting and high-energy lifestyle.
普拉提3DPilates (60mins)
太普為澳洲註冊專利課程,獨特的中西合璧的核心訓練,課堂充滿動態刺激,對體力與強度追求的學員最為吸引 3D pilates is a combination of eastern and western core concepts. This class is suitable for students who live an exciting and high-energy lifestyle.